He's a gentlemen! He opens doors for me, he spoils me. He takes care of me when I'm having a fibro flare up. He's amazing!
2. When did you know your love was "the one"?
About two months after we started talking.
3. Does your love have a special ringtone on your cell?
yes....Sex on fire by the Kings of Leon
4. What are you attracted to most in your special someone?
His blue eyes and his looks first and then once I got to know him....it was his heart!!
5. Did you know when/where he/she was going to pop the big question?
I did not. He stuck the ring in my xmas stocking an I pulled it out and freaked out lol.!!
That would make an amazing Christmas present!
I married then fell in love, thought I couldn't love hubby anymore when I was pregnant, but loved him more and conyinue to cherish him after the death of our son, surgeries and him cleaning me up and feeding me when I couldn't even lift my head.
We didn't date, and through arrangement he popped the question but it wasn't a surprise, that was our intention.
I guess life is full of surprises.
You and hubby are lucky to have each other.
It is so nice to hear stories where someone has found a keeper. I have not given up hope that the next time around I will meet a nice one. I wouldn't mind finding a ring in my stocking on Christmas morning!
definitely wonderful! hope you two had an awesome valentine's day!!!
Hope you ladies all had a wonderful valentine's day!!
I had no idea about the propoal either!!!
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